NatureIsReal Inspiration

My Soul is a Hawk
I am but returned from the place the Indians call:
"Land where the wind is born"
Into the quiet and lonely spaces of the upper skies soar I
The beauty of Florida below me
As thermal air currents send their song thru my wing-feathers And I float in ever-widening circles
Yellow-eyes piercing in rapture
The blues The golds The orange and faint-pinks of sunset
And I see in the far-far distance
My haven - The majestic-old-dead tree
On whose limbs I find
My Soul is a Hawk
Will McLean

I care to live only to entice people to look at Nature's loveliness.
John Muir
Look deep into Nature and you will understand everything better.
Albert Einstein

The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man.
Charles Darwin

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